Tell Your Story
Spatial data and maps can be difficult for many to understand. Effectively communicating the results of your analyses and project outcomes to a wide audience, including those that don’t have access to sophisticated GIS software, is a crucial component of your overall efforts. Better communication can enhance outreach to partners and the public and increase your ability to access additional non-financial and financial support.
New techniques are available to build your “storymaps”, that mix together virtual watershed map products, satellite imagery, drone and/or on-the-ground videos, and storytelling narratives, to effectively get your message across to more people, agencies and funders.
Storymaps are being used to great effect by federal and state agencies, and media outlets like the New York Times.
We have capabilities to produce your storymaps or can help you build your own. Contact Us.
We piece together powerful elements in online storymaps
Virtual watershed map products, including clickable data
Map products overlaid onto satellite imagery and fly-throughs
Drone cinematography (high resolution optical, thermal, multi-spectral)
Drone 3-D models
Map graphics animation
Ground images/graphics
Effective storytelling
Storymaps Examples
Oregon Coast Restoration
Sitka Landslide Risk
SE Alaska Coastal Anthropology
Examples of Video and Animations
Virtual Watershed Map Products, clickable
Drone 3-D Modeling & Fly-Throughs
Drone Cinematography
Map Graphics Animation
Virtual Watershed Fly-Throughs
Ground Video / Graphics