Building New Tools
Although NetMap Virtual Watershed datasets are supported by dozens of analysis tools, clients may need different types of capabilities. Terrainworks builds either stand-alone tools or tools within the existing NetMap tool kit, as an add-in in Arcmap 10.x, and performs the new analyses or the client can.
If you require a new tool built for either an existing NetMap virtual watershed dataset or a new tool to operate independently in a geospatial environment, Contact Us.
Example of new tools we have built for others.
Design riparian buffer zones, Alberta Canada, Alberta Environment/Foothills Research Institute
Predict sockeye salmon habitat, Prince William Sound, Alaska, U.S. Forest Service
Conduct aquatic habitat/channel classification, Flint Hills, Kansas, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Identify floodplain coho salmon habitat restoration opportunities, Oregon Coast Range, NOAA-Fisheries