Climate Change

Climate Change

Climate Change


Climate change may result in warmer stream temperatures, lower summer flows and higher winter flows. This can impact sensitive aquatic species.

TerrainWorks NetMap system is used to identify critical locations where climate change poses a risk and to design appropriate strategies related to aquatic habitats, riparian zones, roads and wildfires.


Mapping Climate Change Vulnerability


NetMap's climate change vulnerability analysis utilizes downscaled forecasts available from various sources, including the University of Washington Climate Impacts Group and the US Forest Service’s NorWeST project.

Predictions are for one greenhouse gas scenario (A1B, a middle of the road scenario for future emissions). Results are in percent change from historical (1916-2006) to forecasts in 2040.

NetMap's tool is used to search for landscape vulnerability by examining intersections among climate change, wildfire risk, and in-stream habitat and channel sensitivity indicators. Forecasts include annual air and water temperature, precipitation, snow accumulation, and summer and winter flows.


The key is locating sensitive areas in watersheds
that would be impacted by climate change


Use this information to develop resource management strategies that enhance resource protection.


Identify areas within channel networks where predicted increases in air temperature coincide with highest wildfire severity. Concentrate pre- and post-wildfire treatments at those locations.


Contact us to learn more.