Landslide Hazard Maps

Landslide Hazard Maps

Landslide Hazard Maps Available


TerrainWorks NetMap contains landslide/erosion hazard maps* for:
-Northern California
-Southeast Alaska (and other parts of AK)

* The maps are mostly uncalibrated and utilize universal topographic indicators of shallow landslide and gully erosion potential. For additional accuracy, local calibration with geo-referenced landslide data is recommended. Contact us  for additional details.


The most common landslide hazards are shallow landslides and debris flows. The potential for shallow landsliding is shown to the right. The National Elevation Dataset (NED) 10 m DEM was used in this example. LiDAR is used where available.

Using LiDAR DEMs increases detail and accuracy of slope stability analyses. More detail


NetMap also contains hazard maps covering debris flows or mudflows (in headwater streams).

NetMap's tools do not cover all types of landslide hazards, including deep-seated failures and earthflows. However, local landslide surveys can be used to integrate existing deep-seated and earthflow features into the hazard maps.

Other hazard prediction data in NetMap includes:
-post fire extreme erosion
-flooding (floodplains)
-climate change

Learn more about NetMap's Slope Stability Tools here.